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Visual Arts Alliance Juried Exhibit: Opening Night & Awards

It has been a very busy year, especially in art. I set out to finish my new series and have a show since last year. Of course that is set for this November 5th. (Mark your calendar) With that being my main focus this year, entering shows has really been almost ignored. I say almost because there were some exhibits that I couldn’t let go by.

The first I couldn’t let go was MECA: Viva el Amor Corazones. It was for a good cause and the theme was something I’ve been itching to do, with one of my models. Houston’s own and sometimes Mariachi singer, Miss Victoria Negrete. My piece was auctioned off and sold.


Then there was the Genocide exhibit at the Holocaust Museum of Houston juried by Clint Willour. Not so long ago I received the notice that I will be participating.

The last one I didn’t let go by was the Visual Arts Alliance 10th Invitational Juried Exhibition juried by Jennifer Justice, Executive Director of the Galveston Arts Center. I’m so glad I participated. When I dropped my artwork I was a bit intimidated because there were so many beautiful pieces by so many talented artists. I had my doubts that I would even get in. When I came back to pick up my work I was nervous but right away I was greeted by another artist who gave me the good news that I was in the show. I was so excited just to get in.

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VAA 10th Juried Invitational Exhibition (CLICK ON PHOTO FOR VIRTUAL TOUR BY DEE ZUNKER)

Last night was the opening reception for the exhibit at the Silver Street Studios and it goes on until September 10th, so there is time for you to go see it. I was busy playing bartender and volunteering as people entered the show that I didn’t get to really mingle in the beginning.

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Next to my piece “Blue Waters”

Then the award ceremony began and we were all ears. I was ready to clap for several artists whose art I had seen was amazing. Then Matt Adams, the President of the VAA called my name. I was in shock and a picture my husband took showed it. (You won’t see that picture) I received Honorable Mention by Juror Jennifer Justice.

With Matt Adams President of VAA

When an artist enters an exhibit, they are honored just to get a piece in. Well at least in my case that is how I feel. Winning an award is extra fudge on your chocolate fudge brownie. Getting in the exhibit is the fudge brownie. (The sweets lover has spoken)

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All the award winners of the night

I loved what Jennifer Justice said about me receiving Honorable Mention. Not that anyone but me really thinks this beyond amazing but I will still share, “That piece spoke for itself its it singular beauty”… I’m still in a cloud by her compliment. There are more negative or discouraging comments given to an artist than these types of compliments. When I say negative, I mean that so many people tell you that you will not make money as an artist or thinking art is not a career. Jennifer’s comment is not just super positive but makes what this butt kicking year has put me through completely worth it.

Stop by to see the exhibit at Silver Street Studios. Then on September 30th make sure you make your way to the Holocaust Museum for the opening exhibit to the public of the Genocide exhibition, the reception will be October 13th. Then Saturday November the 5th you make your way to the Institute of Hispanic Culture of Houston for my Fragments Solo exhibit.

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Artist Luisa Duarte & my piece were featured

Let’s Be Friends

7 thoughts on “Visual Arts Alliance Juried Exhibit: Opening Night & Awards”

  1. Pingback: Fashion Friday: Maternity Shopping Trip – Life with Salsa

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