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Valentine’s Day: San Antonio Texas Missions


As much as hubby wants us to be a romantic traditional couple we are not. Mostly because of me. I’ve never bought into the typical sappy romantic way of thinking. I don’t even like romantic movies.


Valentine’s Day is not on the top of the list of days for me. So when hubby asked kind of muffled what I wanted for Valentine’s Day, I suggested a road trip to San Antonio.

Since San Antonio is only a few hours away there was no arm twisting required. The reason I wanted to go to SA was because a few weeks ago I had met a local photographer. She showed me some beautiful photographs she took in the SA Missions. I had no idea there was old architecture like this in Texas. When you think of this kind of structures you think, Latin America or Europe. I started researching and I could imagine the hundreds of photographs I could capture for my art work.


That’s why we set out for a short Valentine’s Day trip to explore, photograph and learn. The Missions are dog friendly as well, so Mochito was coming for the ride. I finished an engagement photo shoot although art in itself but I was ready for something more my type of art.

Hubby is used to being my model...
Hubby is used to being my model…

Let me tell you the drive to San Antonio is not much to look at. Small towns here and there. Field of something here and another field there. But it was a relaxing time for the hubby and I to catch up, to talk about everything but really nothing. Mochito got to surf out the window in the open road. This is all happiness for me.


Well if you haven’t been to the Missions they are breathtaking. I wish we would have gone during the week. Saturdays are full of people and all those people want to take pictures. It would take me so long to wait to make sure the photograph wouldn’t have unwanted people in them.


Overall I loved the photographs that came out of this trip. It was romantic for us. Since I don’t have a studio for a few more months all I can do in the meantime is edit my photographs and have them ready to make art later.

You know my fascination with doors. Check to make sure there are no events happening like this, so you can go inside. I have to go back to see what I missed here.

Ooooooh and guess what?! There are more missions in Texas and other states. You know we will be going on other road trips to see them all. Or at least most of them…



2 thoughts on “Valentine’s Day: San Antonio Texas Missions”

  1. The architecture on the door frame is amazing! What a great little domestic getaway. I would love to explore Texas a bit more. Haven’t seen in many many years!

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