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Tiny Texas Roadtrip: Abandoned Buildings & Ghost Hunting

In the last post I wrote in 2014 there was a bit of crankiness when I explained how I really didn’t travel during the year. I’m a big believer in being appreciative of the small things. So me being upset about not traveling was a tiny bit hypocritical of me. We had a three-day weekend trip for Valentine’s day and a road trip during thanksgiving. However small or short a trip is, it still is traveling.

Lajitas (01)1(c)
©Leslie Guzman | Lajitas, Tx


So this fabulous new year I will start positive and write about our fun Thanksgiving road trip.  It started with the idea of having several days off. Then Hubby wanting to make it up to me, especially since I kept going on and on about how we hadn’t gone anywhere. I always take advantage of our travels to add to my database of photographs for my artwork. So I started looking into places that could inspire my artwork close to home. We live in Texas, as big as this state is I know there is plenty we haven’t seen and that would be a photographers paradise.

©Leslie Guzman
©Leslie Guzman | Texas Countryside

I was right!

There is so much historic architecture, abandoned towns and old cemeteries. I know this to our new readers sounds a bit strange. My artwork is based on memories, texture and of course travel. Nothing dark and macabre. If you are curious take a look at some of my art here.

Terlingua (25)1(c)
©Leslie Guzmán |Terlingua, TX
The Grove, TX (39)1
©Leslie Guzmán | The Grove, TX

Why a Road-trip?

I have a lot of friends that ask me, why are you guys always going on road trips? They make it sound as if it’s a waste of time. Crazy silly naive people. If you hate driving, I guess it can be a tedious thought. The reason a lot of people don’t like driving is because of the city traffic. Guess what, when you are out of the city, no traffic! So that shouldn’t be an excuse not to get in your car and just go. Not to mention that you get to bond on the drive…

Lajitas, TX (5)1
Our adventure lead us all the way to Lajitas, TX
©Leslie Guzman |Britton, TX

Another reason why we are quick to go on a road trip, our love child, Mochito our little dog. He is part of our family and we don’t like to leave him with just anyone. My sister will take care of him when we leave the country but she is a busy woman. I’m working on being able to take him with us when we travel out of the country. Why not? We love him, we are travel addicts and he wants to be with us. Simple I will make it happen.

Franklin, TX (6)1
How can I leave this face at home?
Then he does adorable things like these…
©Leslie Guzman | Terlingua, TX
©Leslie Guzman | Terlingua, TX

A road-trip is perfect for people who don’t have a huge travel budget. You can do a small road-trip very economically. The most expensive is gas and hotels. If you are not too picky you don’t have to pay that much in hotel, since you are only using it to shower and sleep.

Ghost Hunting, you say?! 

OK, I said earlier that I take advantage of trips for my artwork. Well when I said abandoned buildings and ghost towns the hubby heard GHOSTS. He is cray cray addicted to ghost apps so any chance to use them he is on it! When he tells people that we went on a road-trip ghost hunting, I m quick to correct, no boo I went to photograph architecture, HE went to ghost hunt.

©Leslie Guzmán
©Leslie Guzmán| This is what I was looking for

Not such a detailed trip…

I wont say that I was very disciplined on this trip. It wasn’t about work, it was about relaxing. I did kept up with all the places we went. I have tons of pictures from this trip so you can tell my time was applied to that. It wasn’t even about the food, that it usually is. Since we were on those lonely off roads there wasn’t much. We would be excited about finding fast food!

The Grove, TX (33)1
©Leslie Guzmán | The Grove, TX
©Leslie Guzman | Harper, Tx
©Leslie M. Guzmán | Harper, Tx

This may become a tradition for us

I lost my mother a few years ago. I’m an only child from my parents union. I have two younger siblings from my mother’s second marriage but one lives in California and the other lives more than an hour away. Now that I’m married and our family is tiny, Senor Foodie, Artist and Mochito we can have fun anyway we want. This road trip was so fun I forgot all about the turkey I wasn’t having. I do love me some turkey but I haven’t had a traditional Thanksgiving dinner in so many years that it doesn’t feel like a holiday anymore. When I say traditional I mean, a house full of family and friends, potluck of all kinds eating and sitting around being thankful. So the husband and I are starting a new Thanksgiving. Travel + Art = Happy Us

Road Back from Fortstockton (6)1
FUDGE in Junction, TX



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