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Third Trimester: Enjoy & Sleep


This is the trimester that one day you are happy that it’s almost over and the next day you’re emotional because it’s almost over. At least that happened to me. I couldn’t wait to not have the huge weight of my belly and then I would tear up thinking this is it, no more kicks from my baby. No more little flutters when he has hiccups but then again I couldn’t wait to meet him. Confusing I know.


I was done with my art show, all art was put on hold. An official out on maternity leave was put on the studio door. Moved from that room to the baby’s soon to be room.

Furniture was delivered, all the baby’s gifts were received & unwrapped and stored. I’m not a crafty person so I had to get creative with the decoration. I gathered everyone’s sweet cards given to my baby and framed them.


I’ve slowly been trying to put together my bag. A few things get put in and then I end up needing something and I pull it out. But now that we are on the homestretch and completing this task. A few friends have told me to have it in the car with me, especially when I go see my doctor.


I know, we left this to close to the end. I was completely overbooked and never seem to work with my schedule. The hospital that I’m delivering at is not that close to our home. We were finally able to take this tour, that only makes it that much more real that it’s about to happen.


Same as the tour of the hospital, the classes were just not something we were avoiding it just never worked out. Now we are taking all the classes that we need. They are very interesting. Since our hospital is not close we were able to attend classes at our closest Babies R Us Store, with people from our Hospital teaching the same classes.


If you haven’t had one and you’re like me you have them all in the last trimester. It was just the way time worked out. I know I said more than one shower, you can find out my reasons why here.

It works out best if you have it in your last trimester because if you need to return or exchange things you still can. People don’t always remember where they purchased an item or give you receipts or shop off of your registry. Why? I don’t know.


With my art show dominating all my time, I kept postponing the maternity shoot. I also had a certain look in mind and I couldn’t decide on a photographer. One that I was interested in was just too over priced for only a few photographs. I finally decided on a former classmate and fellow creative. I love her work plus she photographed my art show.

Enjoy the last days, weeks or month of pregnancy. The best advice I keep hearing and that I will repeat is, SLEEP.


2 thoughts on “Third Trimester: Enjoy & Sleep”

  1. My youngest is 4, and I still remember the last trimester very well! Pregnancy is a very special time. Best wishes for a healthy and easy delivery.

  2. Doreen's Style Diary

    You’re way more ready than I was at 3rd trimester. It took us so long to get the baby’s room decorated. Get plenty of sleep was the best advice I got so sleep in and take lots of naps now.

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