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The Sweet Memories of Yesterday


Yesterday was Easter and our little man is still too young for a lot of the things that come with the holiday.

He’s been teething this week and not in the best mood so we did the best with what he could muster.

Hard to imagine that just a year ago we were celebrating his first Easter. He couldn’t quite sit on his own so we took turns holding him for photographs. Now we are dealing with teething. It feels like just yesterday…

I look at my nephew and sister and remember his first few Easters. Now he’s a pre-teen towering over his little cousin and his mom. It feels like it was just yesterday.



While St. Patty’s may not be a holiday when you have a baby you want to celebrate everything. Milestones, real holidays or those made up by the internet. So he wore an appropriate shirt on our outing to see azaleas that were in full bloom.

Last year he was a tiny thing that spent most of his time staring up at his parents. All we could do is try our best to entertain him. He wasn’t quite laughing but he was smiling. It feels like just yesterday.


Ok so I mean Valentine’s Day and while everyone sees it as a day to go on a date, we were just happy to be together all three of us. Maybe because we shared so many Valentine’s days together and more. We didn’t wait for Valentine’s day for date nights.

Now our little guy is part of our dates. This is not just me as a mom speaking, this is also my husband’s idea. We wanted him so much now we are happy to share every day with him. Extra love, you can read about it here.

We are still not giving him a lot of sugar but we did let him take a bite of one of his chocolates Daddy & Mommy gave him. Last year he was small and he couldn’t protest to my idea of his kisses photoshoot nor were we thinking of chocolates. It feels like just yesterday…


Every night we look at each other and one of us, usually me says where did time go? I feel like I was just pregnant, just gave birth, just watched him crawl. It always feels like just yesterday.

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