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Summer Study Abroad: Month-Long Cultural Experience with the City of Firenze | Life With Salsa


Florence for us English speakers, Firenze in Italian and Florencia in Spanish. All the same name to the beautiful birthplace of Renaissance, the city of Florence, Italy.

Five years ago, which feels at times that it was more like yesterday, that I was in Italy, studying art in Florence.

Summer Abroad Month Long Cultural Experience with the City of Firenze | Life With Salsa

I was still in college, so between school, art, and life, I didn’t get to really write about the trip in detail until much later. It’s a post which talks about our itinerary.

Now that it’s been five years and not that I’m any less busy but I do want to go down memory lane. Especially since my cousin is making me relive it. She is spending a summer abroad in Italy, now. I’m only a tiny smidge jealous.

Summer Study Abroad: Month-Long Cultural Experience with the City of Firenze Life With Salsa


First thing, I was there for my art study program and summer art classes, for school. In the scorching heat of July, but since that’s when I had to go, I couldn’t complain. Hubby had to catch up with me after my school program was over and deal with the Italian heat along with me.

Summer Abroad Month Long Cultural Experience with the City of Firenze | Life With Salsa

I will have to write about my full art & architecture experience in Florence on a post of its own because there was just so much.

Summer Abroad Month Long Cultural Experience with the City of Firenze | Life With Salsa

What I did do is take hubby to all the places I learned about and give him the condensed version of my new found Florence knowledge. He loved Florence so much he’s ready to go back, so there will be another opportunity to show him the detailed version.

Summer Abroad Month Long Cultural Experience with the City of Firenze | Life With Salsa

We experienced art in other parts of Italy too, such as Venice, which the Biennale was happening, lucky for us we got to experience it. There was amazing architecture in Piza, Genoa, Verona, Venice, San Marino, Salerno, and Rome. Too many places and too much to write about for just for one post.


Remember I had already been in Italy almost a month before hubby arrived. There was no such thing as a diet. I was there to experience Italy, meaning I had in my itinerary to eat out for all meals. I was scared I would be fat by the time hubby arrived. Nope. I was just very tanned.

The hubby was in heaven when I introduced him to gelato and how much it cost. Every time we received change he would pocket the exact amount for gelato and say “I have my gelato money for today”. We had gelato each and every day we were in Italy.

Summer Abroad Month Long Cultural Experience with the City of Firenze | Life With Salsa

We are both pizza lovers! I mean who isn’t? But we really love it so much we have a day for it, Pizza Friday. Well in Italy it was Pizza EVERYday! Either some type of delicious pasta or some great woodburning pizza of different toppings were our meals.


After my school program was over, we grabbed our backpacks and took off to explore more of Italy. I’m grateful that my sorority sister who also happened to be my roommate took most of my art supplies back in her luggage, so I wouldn’t have to lug all of them in my backpack. Love you Jordan!

Summer Abroad Month Long Cultural Experience with the City of Firenze | Life With Salsa


I’ve always told the hubby that I would love to stay at least a month in whatever country we choose to explore. It was a dream, that came to reality with this Florence trip. I could have stayed longer, easily, if I wasn’t missing my fur baby. But a month made feel like I really got the essence of Florence. The rest of Italy, not so much because it was only a day or two experience. My next place to stay at least a month would be Venice. Wishing now!

Summer Abroad Month Long Cultural Experience with the City of Firenze | Life With Salsa

My love of art just became that much greater. I didn’t accomplish what I wanted with my artwork on this trip but the frustration only inspired me to get better and create when I returned home. Walking around surrounded by art, magnificent creations of buildings still standing, and all the history just gave me more appreciation for my craft. I connected with art even more, if that makes sense.

Summer Abroad Month Long Cultural Experience with the City of Firenze | Life With Salsa

As I’m typing the words I am envisioning my experience, I can feel the stone walls on my fingertips, smell the fresh bread and hear the beautiful Italian accent all around.

Fino alla volta prossima

Summer Abroad Cultural Experience City of Firenze Life with Salsa

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