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Spring Time & Art in the Air

The promise of spring has been happening for a bit, yet I don’t see it, I’m still cold, then hot, then cold again. Yet according to my calendar the first quarter or season of the year is over.

In the spirit of keeping active on my blog, posting the happenings in the studio and my art activity, here is a recap. My last post was more of a pat on the back for myself, since I achieved everything I set out to do in 2015.


So now that we are about to enter April and with this, meaning that I have only a few more months until my solo exhibit. No pressure at all. If you didn’t catch that, it was pure sarcasm.

I think it is programmed in any artist DNA to be self-critical and doubt everything you do. Nothing is completely finished or perfect. I don’t need anyone to criticize me, I do enough of that all by myself.

All so that I can have plenty of photographs to work from

While I have a great support of my family, they get the grunt of it. Answered back constantly, that they lie to me because they love me. I do doubt everything they say because I do know they love me. Reading this, I’m laughing, because I can imagine how annoying this must sound. Thanks for still being in my corner after all my craziness!

My go to model, my sister, always ready to pose

Since my studio is in my house and I’m missing what other artists have, that they’re in art communities, networking and actively being around other artists. I decided to do something about this. I’m now participating in several groups and art associations. I do love meeting other artists, it’s like being part of a different culture, the ARTIST culture. This makes sense to other artists, I’m sure. Now I just have to make the time to go to more meetings and art shows. I just don’t know where to get that extra time from. I guess I don’t need sleep…

A thing that I totally failed in this year already, is deciding on which venue to sell my art. There are way too many places to look into and when I think I figured it out, I hear some horror story that it all scares me. Then I’m back to square one. So I decided to hold off on that since right now I’m only creating my series for my solo show and that’s not going to be for sale until the exhibit, there is no rush. I hope after the exhibit I have made up my mind or someone has given me a good suggestion.

Family make the best subjects

In the meantime, I am selling my artwork to anyone interested, or stops by my studio and there’s always the people that contact me about my art on my website gallery. So thank you very much to the people who have purchased pieces from me! I’m not in the business of keeping all of my art. Just not active on any online site.

What I do need is a technically savvy friend! Anyone interested? Jaja I can pay you in art and cookies. I’m joking or am I?

Did I add that with socializing and being active in promoting, I ran out of business cards fast? Well, I’m sticking with Moo, I love their cards and it doesn’t break the bank or make me cry.  I have my sister to thank for suggesting them. If you decide on going with them, use my link, you will get 10% discount.

LeslieMGuzman_Moo Cards-1
Very well packaged
LeslieMGuzman_Moo Cards-2
Cute box
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Eye pleasing
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My second set

One thing I’m very proud of that I have started and kept at it, is my subscriber list. I know, I’m a tiny bit behind at it. It was on my list of 1001 things for me to do and I finally got to it. I have been very proactive, all my collectors, friends and some followers are on it. You can add yourself if you want to be in the loop of all things Leslie M. Guzmán. HERE

My first newsletter created and everything else seems to be working itself out. It all doesn’t seem so overwhelming. Maybe it’s because slowly I have taken care of so many things on my to do list. Being an artist is not just creating 100% of the time, it’s finding the balance of selling yourself as an artist and making art. I think I’m finally getting the hang of it. I just need a mini Leslie (an assistant) and things would be so much easier.

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I took a little time off for some research in Guatemala

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