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Searching for Guatemalan Inspiration

As an artist I’m always in search of something that usually turns to inspiration later down the road. I don’t consider myself a photographer but I do love photography. The beginning of most of my artwork begins with a photograph. This is why I’m always increasing my collection of photographs to work from. I only work from my photographs, I do not cheat using other people’s photographs or Google.

Just a glimpse of Panajachel, Guatemala

At this moment in my life, studio and art career I’m only working on one project and that is a special series. Without giving you too much detail it has to do with me. So naturally I had to brainstorm, rummage through my photograph collection and when that wasn’t enough, I set out on a research trip. Where to you ask, to the place where it all began for me, Guatemala.

I didn’t know what I was looking for, I just knew that when I saw it I would know. That’s how it usually works with my photography. I try my best not to delete photos anymore. I’ve had to invest in a large memory cards because of this and that I work with photographs in RAW format. This allows me to play with my photographs later without any worries. Again I’m not a photographer but I’ve picked up a thing or two along the way. I try not to delete photos because while one photograph may not inspire me at the moment, it could open my eyes a week or a year later.


As much as this was a research trip I still had to stop by and see family. I have very supportive family that although they have yet to see my art in an exhibition here in the states they are always liking, sharing and helping me promote my art. Just on this trip alone I think I picked up over 100 new followers and all Guatemalan. I’m working on that Guatemala exhibition, hopefully soon. Just in case a Guatemalan Gallery owner is reading this…

So while multitasking a research trip for art, drop in on family and network with the Guatemalan art world I managed to get some interesting images for my series.

You can read all about my Multitasking Guatemalan Trip, in the Life with Salsa post A Getaway to the Country of Eternal Spring. 


As tiring as this trip was, I’m excited to get started on the last part of my series. While all my friends ask how the vacation was, I have to remind them that it was a research trip. When a doctor goes to a conference do they call that vacation? No, it’s work related. I just happen to be a visual artist and my work involves photographs and my subject usually involves parts of the world.

It’s a beautiful sunset to witness and photograph, in Isla Mujeres a past trip.

I have to say that I saw a different part of Guatemala and I hope I captured that in my photographs successfully. I hope everyone enjoys the series as much as I’m enjoying working on it.


If you haven’t done so make sure you LIKE ,FOLLOW & INVITE your friends to my Facebook Page, I post works in progress & about what will happen with the series I’m working on.

Better yet sign up to my Newsletter, you will know before Facebook.

My INSTAGRAM is all about the behind the scenes action.

LIFE WITH SALSA, is the stories about the travel, plus there is an INSTAGRAM

Guatemala will have me back sooner than later. I have new places I have to go investigate with my camera. I heard of things I can only see in Guatemala but I need more than a few weeks to explore.

Just a small glimpse of Guatemala


The year is half way through, you can see how I’m handling it all as THE day is getting closer, HERE.

55 thoughts on “Searching for Guatemalan Inspiration”

  1. I’m not a photographer either but I also love photography, I believe these it captures life, moments… memories. Your pictures are beautiful.

  2. I love your photos. I especially love the picture of the wall. It is so true in so many creative endeavors that you may go back to something later and find inspiration.

  3. I’m a photographer, too. I don’t like to delete my photos, either. I noticed when I first look at my photos there will be a batch that I don’t like. But when I go back and look at the photos another time, I might find something I like about them. I’ve also found there have been times when I need a particular photo for something. Then I think, “I’m so glad I didn’t delete those photos!” I, too, have had to invest in more SD cards. I think it’s great you have started a photography project. I’ve been wanting to start one, but right now I do not have the time to dedicate to it. I’m hoping to start soon, though. I still keep up with my photography almost daily by shooting photos of my family and the city I live in. Best of luck on your photography project!!

  4. Though you’re not a photographer, your photos are amazing. You should pursue it. Who knows, you will be successful in it.

  5. Well thank you very much. I try to get the best photographs I can with my self taught skills because I know I will be using them later in my art. It just requires more time than I can devote to it with practice plus some classes. Maybe later I can.

  6. I can see where it would sound amazing, as an artist I can say yes it’s amazing, but as a business person I think when is more money coming in. Thank you!

  7. Jennifer thank you for confirming that I’m doing the right thing by not deleting. When my drives have to be upgraded because I have too many photographs I have to remind myself that it’s part of the job. Well my project is more art than photography, but it starts from the photos. Check out my homepage, it was inspired from my Guatemala trip.

  8. Thank you I was trying especially since this was a research trip. I have to say I was successful. Follow up to see the photos that inspired the work for my solo art exhibit later this year.

  9. I tried hard, but the local people were not having it. I even had release forms, but nope. I think too many photographers or tourists have tried this.

  10. This is my favorite comment. Thank you so much for those words. I do have an incredible passion for it but I think I lack the confidence in just grabbing it by the horns.

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