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Quick New Mexico Trip


I think the hubby is tired of hearing how we don’t have that many pins on our travel map, so on this random extended weekend he happen to just surprise me with a last-minute road trip. There goes some pins on that travel map, or what I think ran through his mind.

This was the view during our drive

If you ever have a conversation with Mr. Husband he will say it’s me that is addicted to traveling. Tell him to hush, don’t believe him. He only says that so that he doesn’t have to lift a finger and that way I do all the planning. I never have to twist his arm to go anywhere, believe me. His other excuse is that I’m just so good at planning out our adventures. Well all the sweet talking helps, plus that lets me be in control of ALL that we do see, and it’s SOOO MUCH. He always needs a vacation from the vacation.

Curanderas! I want to find out more…

Back to our New Mexico trip… He threw the idea at me the week before, I forget the exact day. Either way, not enough time to have a full-blown trip planned out. I was able to put together a little something but with a few mistakes because I didn’t have proper time to research. The biggest mistake was not paying attention to the weather forecast. Well I’m always prepared and I had coats for all of us, but hubby didn’t realize he was going to be driving in snow! Dont worry he drove very careful and it only made him want a Jeep even more.

No matter, the trip was beautiful and most important we took our child! He loves road trips, now, when he was a baby he would throw up every few hours. Now he surfs out the window and sleeps but he is a happy puppy.

I was able to get some amazing photographs. It even inspired me for a future series. Maybe I should say future, future, future series. Since I’m already working down the list. Sorry, for art ramblings go >>>> Here!

This is not our first crazy drive by the way. A few years ago my sisters and I wanted to go to the Grand Canyon and we made it happen on a three-day weekend. One sister coming from California and two from Texas. I’m going to have to write about that crazy story later.

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These few pictures are from the long drive, but beautiful. Don’t you think? Some of these remind me of paintings. I couldn’t live there but definitely could vacation for a week or two. Some hot cocoa and a little romantic fire. I’m there.

Don’t let the grumpy look fool you, he loved it!

Then we finally arrived in my destination, Taos. Although the sign that we were getting close had been passed a very long time ago. We arrived and we had to change shoes right away, I was slipping with my cute boots and my feet were freezing. Mochito had to go smell and experience snow, he was too little to remember that he came from the cold and snow. He didn’t take well to the snow. He asked to be picked up and bundled up in our coats. He slept his way through our first stop.

LeslieMGuzman_NewMexico-1I wanted to see Taos Pueblo and see the adobe homes and Native Americans. I guess it was way too cold or they are not too fond of tourists because the only people we encountered were the people charging for the tour and tourists. At least I was able to get see the architecture. I want to go back in the summer and see it in a different light. I was able to capture some gorgeous photographs.

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So we did a little sightseeing, there were a bunch of little shops and for some reason so many galleries. The artist in me was like, “oh dear hubby let’s stop at all of them!”Nope, after the first one we didn’t stop at another. Again I will do more research before I say I will not go. The only one I went to was someone’s home, yet he was saying it was an art gallery. Sure he had art laid out and some pretty pricey. While he was cooking something in the kitchen that was open right to where the artwork was. I felt unwanted and like I had just walked into someone’s living room. I still tried to be nice and I told him I was an artist too. No, that was not happening. He told me that he has been in numerous exhibitions both nationally and internationally, he was very snooty about it. When I said I wasn’t buying he grunted and went right back to cooking. I felt like someone had just told me that I was not at their level and I should get out since I wasn’t buying anything! Well sorry Mr. Artist that was cooking right in your “gallery” stinking up the art, that I’m not at your level. So after that, I didn’t want to stop anywhere that I was going to be walking into someone’s home.

We did so many stops after Taos, I went down the list of all the small towns that are in the mountains. But hubby was tired and had lost interest. Plus the drive through without snow was not as exciting. A few stops following the High Road trip. Hubby napped while I was sightseeing and snapping pictures. It’s not that far from Taos to Santa Fé, but the stops make it longer. But you’re already out there, you have to make all those stops. If not what kind of travel addict are you?

We ended up in Santa Fé, but it was even colder there than Taos. For some reason that didn’t stop tourists, everything was packed. We did a few pit stops, the obvious must see. The Loretto Chapel with the miracle staircase was closed when we arrived but I have already seen it, so it was ok. So instead I did architecture photography.

The Boys & The Aliens


We stayed the night there and crashed. As in no one could wake us & Mochito up. The next day we took off to Roswell. Of course that was hubby stop. He wanted to see all the alien stuff and boy is there alien stuff everywhere. So he had his fun.

You haven’t heard me talk about food, that is usually what keeps Mr. Husband happy. We didn’t have so much luck in finding anything that called our attention. Could be that we were that tired or that there wasn’t anything that good for us. We ordered in. That is until we left Roswell…

We headed on our way back home, so I’m being the good navigator finding the back roads for hubby so we can see more little towns. At the same time I’m attached to my Trip Advisor app trying to find at least one great place to feed hungry sir. I found it!


A little place called Buddy’s Drive In. It’s in a small town called Andrew, Texas. This made the very tired foodie super happy. Even our child loved those delicious steak fingers. OH SO GOOD!

N.M we will be back, not in the freezing cold and with a lot more research. It was fun either way!



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