I know I just said it in the title but I still can’t believe that July came and went like nothing. With July gone it feels that much closer to autumn and Christmas! At least to me, it feels that way. Even though I’m not huge on celebrating my birthday, (as in a big party or clubs, I’m past that life) I do like making the days special. 

Last year all I wanted was churros and more churros (craving) We were also surprising our friends with the news that we were expecting a baby boy. To us knowing we were going to be parents was the best birthday gift. Last year we were doing the baby gender reveal with our close friends.



My husband and I are both July babies, we were hoping for a third with our baby but no such luck. This year was not about us at all, like last year. Which to us is perfectly fine. 

Honestly, this year our birthdays snuck up on us, you know the days seem to blur together. We were happy just to do a quick trip to a  restaurant or on hubby’s birthday bring a pizza home + Netflix and relax.

The FOURTH, the first for our little guy and we had a small photoshoot. Any excuse for me to photograph my baby. We wanted to take him to see fireworks but thought the loudness would scare him, and they start way past his bedtime.

I consider the entire month of July my birthday month. I don’t know, I feel good things seem to happen in July. Well, this year was no exception.


This year was even more amazing not that last year wasn’t glorious enough, this year was just so much more to celebrate. Both our birthdays and the fourth. All about my little man of ours. We put him in the back seat of my car with the top down and he LOVED it. Perfect for the fireworks, that he enjoyed with Mochito (our puppy) right by his side. He crashed as soon as we arrived home since it was long past his bedtime. He puts a smile on my face each and every day. That is my birthday wish every day, to be able to see his face and to have a long life to be with him.

For Hubby’s birthday, we did something he wanted to do. Took a drive to Galveston and spent time learning about one of the castles of Texas. Dinner out as a family and after days, well weeks of celebrating I think our bellies are full of cake. Thank you for all the birthday wishes and calls!


This year the celebration has started late because we were in a more pressing issues. We were preparing our house for photographs and video of our home, so that the right buyer can see it and buy it. It’s time for us to move on to the next adventure. After the house photographs were finished, then it was America’s birthday. So my birthday celebration starts on the fifth, ready, set go!

https://www.lifewithsalsa.com/one-more-year-good-bye-july in Austin

We celebrated by taking a small getaway to Austin, TX. Although we were very, very tired. (As shown on the photo above)    Close enough for a short drive and puppy friendly for Mochito. Love the landscape of Austin with their hills and lakes. But I still love Houston much more. Fun little trip and lots of birthday shenanigans.


Oh so many things have happened since last July, and the July before that, I can only imagine what another year will bring. Oh, the adventures that we will have with our little man and our little family. We are ready for our move, the changes and goals we have set for our lives. Next year’s birthday celebration is already being planned, it’s a good one. 

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