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One More, The Fourth Trimester


At least that is what I call it. It is the months of learning how to be a parent, getting a routine and getting your body somewhat back to normal. It’s the months of not really wanting to socialize or expose your precious baby to the world quite yet. Talk about being exhausted and sleep deprived.


This is the special and equally crazy time of getting to know each other for you and your baby. Also a test to your relationship with your partner in so many ways. No one told me about that part of. Sorry honey for the things that I said while going on no sleep at all. After the frustrating time I had with breastfeeding at the hospital, I couldn’t wait to get home to figure it out with my baby. It was like I knew we could do it, just the two of us. Guess what we did.

Our little man calm, while mom takes one too many photographs

After the frustrating time I had with breastfeeding at the hospital, I couldn’t wait to get home to figure it out with my baby. It was like I knew we could do it, just the two of us. Guess what we did.


No one told me to have a spot ready for baby and I don’t mean the baby’s room. Don’t get me started on that subject, there was no rush to have that room ready. After the initial sleep, diaper, eat, diaper and repeat all over again for the first few days we needed to get ourselves and the baby out of the bedroom. We were trying to feed ourselves and get baby’s items cleaned and somewhat keep the home on track.

We migrated to the husband’s man cave, on a comfy couch and it became the baby couch. We didn’t have a baby that slept those crazy hours, nope we had an active baby off the bat. So we played with him, or as much as you can play with a newborn. Mostly interacted with him and tried to start him on baby learning programs, at least in the background. All this while hubby tried to launch his own business from home because he lost his job right after we had our baby. But that’s a story for another time.


From the hospital to our home we didn’t have that many visitors but the ones that we did have were close friends. They wanted to meet our little man and since I wasn’t sharing him on social media, not that I had time for it either, they were even more curious.

Already has her wrapped around his little finger

Some of the best and thoughtful things that some of our visitors did were: one brought ME a gift. I know! Can you believe it?! Not for the baby but me, the exhausted mommy that created a baby and delivered. That was so absolutely thoughtful. The other one was from my dear friend, who tops all gifts of thoughtfulness, she brought us food, prepared food to last us for days. We had not been eating that great, no one could think of cooking. We had a small buffet of the food she brought us and it was easy for us to reheat the rest. Yummy & thoughtful. I love her so much.


Once I got the hang or sort of got the hang of having a baby at home. After we constantly had to remind ourselves that we are parents. I mean, I’m a mom, I kept telling hubby, you are a father. We were parents. It’s the best title to have, it just took a bit to get used to.

Cousins meeting for the first time

We are taking this adventure one day at a time, enjoying as much as we can and trying to remember to document it all. Warn people of the fourth trimester, maybe they can somewhat prepare for it. Stock up on prepared foods, hire a night nurse or just plain rest up plenty before.



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