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Little Revelation: The Choice To Walk Down The Aisle, Alone


Mesmerized by the Royal Wedding this weekend and watching the beautiful Meghan Markle now the Duchess of Sussex walk herself down the aisle triggered this post…

I never discussed this topic, or ever gave the reason why I chose to walk myself down the aisle.

David Muir made a comment about her showing the world that she could walk herself down the aisle. It all hit close to home, the exact reason why I walked alone.

Meghan looked not just beautiful but confident walking herself down that aisle. I know first hand it isn’t easy, any of it. It’s not easy to make the decision to walk yourself or to actually do it. I know Prince Charles met her part way, but the part she did walk alone, meant something.

I had one of my best friends tell me that his Dad would be glad to do it. I could have just said yes, after all, he is like a Father. He saw me grow up and was always a loving man and I choose him to do the father dance with me. But no…

I decided I wanted to walk myself down the aisle because I didn’t have a father present. A man didn’t mold me into the woman I had become. I was self-made and I could, therefore, walk alone. If my mother was still with me, I might have considered letting her walk me. Our relationship was never perfect but she was my mother and did more than any man in my life did for me.

This is not a male bashing post, this is just about me not having that father role in my life. I grew up far away from my biological father or even knowing anything about him. I met him later in life, as what I tell him, a grown and self-made woman. I gave him a chance to be a part of my wedding and depending on how things turned out between us, might have considered the possibility of him walking me. It didn’t, of course not, it’s a lifetime apart. It was never going to be a happily ever after a Dad & his daughter.

So, when I saw Meghan stand alone, walk alone, yet standing tall with a relaxed smile I imagined what she could be feeling. All eyes on her, alone. The questions in people’s minds. Some might be feeling bad for her. Everything she had to endure the days leading up to her big day. Her not so nice extended family, what they were saying and doing, her father not present at her wedding. It just made me admire her that much more, and her walking down the aisle made me tear up. No one but my baby was here to see me cry and clap for her. Maybe I was clapping a little for me too.

She will do amazing things as royalty. There’s a reason Harry said he’s so lucky.

Who walked you down the aisle?

3 thoughts on “Little Revelation: The Choice To Walk Down The Aisle, Alone”

  1. I LOVE how personal you get in this post! It’s beautifully written. I was non traditional at my wedding too as my husband and I walked down the aisle together. Even though I grew up with a wonderful father in my life, we decided to do this as symbolism for starting a new life together, side by side. Thank you for sharing your experience. Really enjoyed reading this.

  2. Girl, you made me a little teary eyed with this post! Your photos are STUNNING! And the story behind them made me want to get up and clap for you, too! Love your story! And you are absolutely strong, beautiful and confident, just like Meghan. Royalty girls, loved by God, made for great things! Love u!

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