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Instagram March Challenge: Getting To Know The Artist


Designer Joanne Hawker put out an Instagram challenge to all makers. With as many photos as you see of the challenge, a lot of makers got excited about it. I know I did.

I’ve had my life turned upside down with a new baby so things slip my mind or I run out of day. I was a little behind but I still completed the challenge. This challenge lets fans get to know the makers and makers get to know each other as well. I know I love meeting other artists, especially knowing the behind the scenes of the art.

Joanne put out the first challenge last year and I missed it. By the way thanks Joanne! I realized that even with a bio and a cv it’s so impersonal and not really saying much about the artist. That’s why I chose to share it on my other social media and write this post.

I started late and caught up. Not too hard, still fun watching people under the #marchmeetthemaker hashtag.

I will give a few details on the photos chosen. I’ll keep it short, I promise.

Day one: (You) Yes me, that’s the best selfie I can do these days.

Day two: (Favorite to Make) I don’t have a favorite. See the other photos.

Day three: (Workspace) That’s my home art studio.

Day four: (Tools) Number one tool, always have the camera on hand.

Day five: (Boomerang) That’s my little prince’s feet.

Day six: (Raw Materials) That’s what I’m using for my next project.

Day seven: (How it’s Made) One of my pieces. See the other photos.

Day eight: (Where) Houston, Texas and we do have the best skyline!

Day nine: (Work in Progress) A piece I have cast to the side due to lack of time.

Day ten: (Recommend a Maker) I have several that I admire.

Day eleven: (Post/Mail) From an exhibit I was in that I had to mail my entries to.

Day twelve: (Brand Image) My art is my brand and image.

Day thirteen: (Photography) My first love and I incorporate it into my art.

Day fourteen: (Creative Friends) The bestie, singer, model and make up guru.

Day fifteen: (Work Clothes) I use anything but when I remember I use this shirt.

Day sixteen: (Time to Relax) After a day with baby out & about, pizza & blogging it is.

Day seventeen: (Feedback) The best feedback was from the Genocide exhibit I participated at the Holocaust Museum of Houston. More here.


Day 18: (Hyperlapse) New to video but I enjoyed recording my first layer of texture.

Day 19: (Helper) My new baby, he’s my helper because he motivates & inspires me to be a good mother and continue to develop as an artist.

Day 20: (Sketchbook) I have several but these are my favorites.

Day 21: (Inspiration) My past, my travels and my what’s happening in my life.

Day 22: (Close Up) This is close up of a forgotten textured piece.

Day 23: (Recent Make) This is one of the different variations of one of my pieces of my Fragments Series.

Day 24: (Milestone) Some of my work was just published in the Indie Soleil Magazine. To me that is a milestone.

Day 25: (Packaging) I haven’t packaged anything ia while, but I have this package.

Day 26: (Why I do this) THis is my passion and I finally decided to follow my dream. I only wish I would have done it sooner.

Day 27: (Goals) I love my country and would love to exhibit in Guatemala.

Day 28: (Organized) I work off of lists and I need planners & portfolios to stay organized.

Day 29: (Can’t live without) My biggest fan (hubby) and my little baby.

Day 30: (Top Tip) Life is too short not to follow your dreams.

Day 31: (Customers) I love when my customers send me photos of my work in their homes.

If you are participated in the #March Meet The Maker challenge, let me know. Follow me on Instagram so I can see your behind the scenes.

I enjoyed this challenge because it got me back in the studio. Now I’m going to be working my way through the 100dayproject.

Let’s Be Social Friends

11 thoughts on “Instagram March Challenge: Getting To Know The Artist”

  1. This is such a wonderful challenge! i have been trying to follow along on some blogger instagram challenges but haven’t been able to stick with them. This inspires me to go back to the drawing board and find another. And your art work is amazing!

  2. I love the idea of a creative challenge, but with the pile on of projects in the first quarter, my challenge is just keeping pace with my assignments, UGH!!! So inspired to read this though.

  3. awesome post! loved reading it. the way you have put the challenge for the entire month, I think i should give it a try ,too! Thanks for sharing! Cheers

  4. I have never found one for art, maybe I just hadn’t heard of one. This is helping me get back in the studio after maternity leave. Any challenge does that, challenge you.

  5. I agree, if you have a million other things it could get hard. But I used this to motivate me to get back to my art, without getting too far from my little one.

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