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How My Productive Year Filled with Art & Creativity Summed Up


This year began and I was working from day one. This year kind of crept up on me and before I even knew it, half the year was over. One thing that really crossed over from 2015 to 2016 was an exhibit I participated in at the Art League of Houston, Debt Fair. It went from Houston, to the Museum of Modern Art Warsaw in Poland to the University of Chicago.

UPDATE: This show is now included in the 2017 Whitney Biennial. 


I began the year working for a startup theater that also included an art gallery. Unfortunately life got in the way, between juggling my own full time art career, solo exhibit series and pregnant life it was too much. I choose to be a full time artist only.



My series for my solo exhibit is based on my background & roots, Guatemala. While majority of my work was already complete or in the works, I needed a few more to complete it. I’m glad I made this trip because I saw a few things I hadn’t thought of incorporating.

I visited a few places in my beautiful country I hadn’t explored. READ MORE

As soon as I got off the plane from Guatemala I was approached by a business to display my artwork at their insurance office in the Galleria. Of course no way I was going to pass it up. That also meant I didn’t have a lot of artwork laying around in my art studio after this. Which only motivated me to create a bigger body of work.

UPDATE: They ended up buying the entire collection I displayed in their office.


After the Guatemalan trip was over and I was excited completing my series I realized the year was already half over. I think when you’re enjoying your job and loving it, you really don’t feel time passing by. All while I was working on my art, I was also working on all the other aspects of my art, website, social media and other things. Mid year coincided with my first 1K followers on Facebook. What did that mean? An art giveaway! That was fun. I can’t wait to do it again, I think it will be for the 2K milestone.



I have discussed it several times on my blog how it’s important for an artist to be a part of group exhibits. So of course I do my part to enter exhibits. I was part of the Visual Arts Alliance Invitational Juried Exhibition that was juried by Jennifer Justice. I wrote a more detailed post about it on my art website. READ MORE HERE.

These were the pieces I entered to be juried. Find out which made it in the show.

I also had the opportunity to enter a very interesting exhibit that will take place at the Holocaust Museum of Houston titled Genocide juried by Clint Willour. I’m beyond excited that I will be part of this exhibit.

Here I am dropping off artwork for the Genocide exhibit


I discussed on my artist website about the talks I had about my solo exhibit. I didn’t want to discuss it until it was all set in stone. There were two places I was working with and one just didn’t work out the way I thought. Which just made it better that I didn’t disclose until it was ready to go.

Now the contract has been signed and my exhibit is set to have the opening reception on Saturday November 5th.


While it has been slow progress for me from year to year, I like to celebrate all the good things that life gives me whether big or small. This year might present itself as more challenging since I will have a little baby to care for but I will have to multitask.

Opening of Fragments Series
Opening of Fragments Series

How did you celebrate your triumphs and accomplishments?



2 thoughts on “How My Productive Year Filled with Art & Creativity Summed Up”

  1. I can’t wait to attend one of your exhibits! Sounds like life as an artist is going very well for you. I wish you continued success in 2017!

  2. Well there were several exhibits for you to attend in 2016, but you missed them all sir. No worries, there will be others this year. Thank you for the good wishes.

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