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Heart Love: Powerful Steps to Be Better & Healthier


I continue on my self love journey, somehow and slowly. This virus has pretty much put the world on pause and I think we are all thinking about our health a little more. I know in our household we have always wanted to get healthier. We always had the best of intentions but for some reason or another we would always say next week, or next month. You know how long that can go on for? Let’s not talk about that. Then someone close to you has a heart attack and boom you jump into action… 


Yes, I’m talking about literal steps to become healthier. This may not sound like a big deal, you’re probably thinking, I walk a lot. I know you’re thinking that because I’ve always walked plenty and thought I put my steps in. Boy was I wrong. 

This started because a good friend of mine suffered a heart attack. I was in shock, I know it was not about me but my friend. It was scary because heart attacks do not happen to young people, my friend is my age. Again I was wrong. If we are unhealthy, illnesses reaches us at any age. So this began my heart love search…

Heart Love: Powerful Steps to Be Better & Healthier

A tracker has been on my wish list for some time but never got around to buying one and didn’t know if I wanted to spend the money. I guess because I thought I might not really use it. You guys may not know but I’m not a watch or bracelet kind of girl. Then hubby surprised me with one.  (That’s how he has to do because he knows me too well, I would have kept debating.) He got himself one too so we could be on this healthy journey together. I really thought he would use it more than me, but he is not as excited about it as I am.

I came across Google Fit trying to sync MyFitnessPal with my new tracker. I ended up downloading it and became curious about the heart points. I was clueless about anything to do with my heart. Again, I assumed I had a few decades before I needed to worry about things like this. Did you know the American Heart Association recommendation of 150 points for week to keep your heart healthy? Well, I sure didn’t. I thought well 150 / into 7 days is about 22 points a day. No big deal how hard can that be? I mean I try to aim to make my 10k steps a day or close to it. Guess what 10k if not done in the right manner means absolutely nothing to your heart, maybe it does something for the legs, I don’t know. Crazy, here I am stupidly trying to get healthy and I know nothing!

This pandemic hit and we had nothing but time on our hands and a very restless toddler at home. One day we just decided early in the morning to take him & the dog for a stroller walk. We enjoyed the weather, talked a lot and our kids had fun. When we got home we realized that was a great little escape and quality time. THEN I noticed it, I made 30 heart points and almost half of my steps! What? In a less than an hour (dog sniffs a lot) a walk that I enjoyed AND I made more than my daily heart points I set for myself. With less steps than I do on any day. I was hooked…


This morning walk has become our daily routine. The kids are out of the house and we’re taking care of our hearts. In a month we have really come to enjoy the walk and it starts our day. Our walks are the same yet they no longer take as long,we have them down to 35-45 minutes depends on how many times our dog stops to sniffs. Plus, I know I got my heart points done before I even have my cup of coffee. Let’s hope we can still do this morning walk when life gets back to normal.

Now to the next step of being healthy…