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Genocide Exhibit at HMH: Justice For Genocide


This is a tough title and overall touching exhibit, as you can feel that in those words. This exhibit is taking place at the Holocaust Museum of Houston put together by Gus Kopriva owner of Redbud Gallery and juried by Clint Willour, from the Galveston Arts Center.


The open call was put out for Texas artists and 172 artists responded. They had to jury almost 600 submission from these artists. A few pieces of artworks were mine. I can say I’m one of the 57 artists participating in this interesting exhibit. 

This was art drop off time

When I saw the open call I was working on my series for my upcoming solo exhibit, Fragments. Part of my series includes a few political pieces. I didn’t mind borrowing them from my series to enter in the Genocide exhibit.


Earlier this year I took a trip for some inspiration for my upcoming show. Walking through the streets of Guatemala City I was inspired right away. There are reminders of the violence that happened some years back. Violence is a safe and calm word for what really happened. The horrors that happened in my country might be in the past but the victims and their families will never forget and it’s obvious. There are walls covered with political phrases and images. Maybe the Guatemalan people have gotten used to walking past by these images but to me, that I go years before seeing my country, it was tough.


I created a few pieces inspired by these walks I had in Guatemala City. Two were titled Street Walls Speak both in english and spanish. Then my smallest piece but the one that I felt more strongly about was Justice for Genocide.


I worked on my piece Justice for Genocide slowly and skeptical. I say this because I’m not a political artist. It has a sad and tough feel and although I like to create pieces that invoke an emotion, this one was new to me. I actually was very unsure of this piece. I almost did not enter it in the exhibit. Thankfully I did.



The piece is something I captured on a wall while in Guatemala. It was a message with a simple but touching message and signed, HIJAS. The people in the photographs were of people who went missing during this terrible time in Guatemala.


The Holocaust Museum of Houston always has touching and emotional exhibits so this will not be the exception. The exhibit opens Friday September 30th, 2016 during regular business hours. It will run until December 31st. The opening reception will be October 19th from 6-8 P.M.

It was gloomy day when I stopped by to see the poster. I felt it gave it an emotional feel to it.


The opening of this fantastic exhibit was last night. Seeing the entire pieces together makes it a stronger show than I imagines. Gus Kopriva, Clint Willour and everyone at the Holocaust Museum did a great job making this show work.

With Gus Kopriva owner of Redbud Gallery
With Clint Willour of the Galveston Art Center & juror of this great exhibit

The opening had so many people and many of the artists were present. I kept overhearing that this was a very strong show. I completely agree. I hope that everyone goes to see it. It runs until the end of the year.

With my favorite professor, one of my mentors, friend & amazing artist Esther Delaquis


Yes I was excited to have my artwork blown up that big!


Let’s Be Friends

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