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Fragments | Putting Together Art Exhibit



I have been playing with this idea since before my Bachelor’s of Fine Art Exhibition. I began looking at my artwork and seeing many similarities and I decided to dive in deeper. Each work has its own inspiration, but you will have to keep up for that on a later post.


All works were photo based but in different disciplines. Some were photographic paintings, some printmaking methods and others mixed media all in one.


The Institute of Hispanic Culture of Houston was the place to showcase my first solo exhibition. I was unaware that a place like this existed in Houston until a few months ago. Then I attended a lecture and found it interesting that so many cultures were represented in one place. When they discussed the opportunity for a solo show especially since my series was full of Guatemalan culture, I thought this was a good idea to showcase it here.

Perfect words for the way I was feeling


Some of the artworks were in the works from years before, they were just never completed. Others were new inspirations from earlier in the year from my Guatemala trip this year.

Family and me with my bump

With an exhibit like any other event, you must have enough time to promote and let people know to put it in their busy schedules. I know I hate being told of an event two weeks or a week before. No way it’s going to happen, my schedule gets booked at least a month in advance. I started verbally telling people way in advance and put the invite out two months in advance allowing people to add themselves.


Reason to go through all this hard work is what every artist wants, to showcase their hard work. Maybe not every artist, I know a few that create art not to show it. I am not one of those, I make art because I have a passion for it and I do want the world to see it. One day hopefully the world will see it.



Yes, the work is finished, but now it’s making it look great with frames and mats and making sure it’s presentable. That’s an art form of its own. I went to Mixed Emotions Fine Art & Frame to get it done perfectly by the professionals. Not to mention I love the people there.

With Paula Siegel from Mixed Emotions Fine Art & Frame in Midtown


I may be creative but there are some things I will not attempt on my own. Only because I wanted everything perfect for my show. Thankfully I know other creative people. This is where Moderno Designs came in. Elizabeth, the owner is a dear friend and she took on the task of creating my invitation design & invitation.

These were the invitation for the exhibit, she did a great job


Normally I’m the girl behind the camera. For my show, of course, I knew I couldn’t walk around with the camera and be making my rounds. In the past, I have made my husband the designated photographer and that has not worked out because he will mingle just as much as I do.

Vibrant Woman| 2016 | ORIGINAL SOLD | ©LESLIE M. GUZMÁN

Time to call in a professional but being someone who is used to photography I can be critical. So I knew who I wanted, my friend, past college mate and very talented photographer Juliana from Juliana Rose Photography.


The last thing I worried about was what to wear. Maybe I should have thought about it sooner but I had so many other things to think about. Things work out the way they have to. I found the perfect outfit through a network group (turned friends) I belong to.


I went for a modeling, shopping, collaboration meeting at Thinking Boutique. I have to say I fell in love with the boutique, the owner Alicia, and the clothing. Anyone that knows me knows I hate to look like everyone else, the artist in me I guess. Well, this was perfect, every dress I tried on, I loved. Then I tried on THE dress and everyone including myself knew it was the dress for my show. I wanted to be comfortable yet nice for photographs. SUCCESS.


Another artist, but this one is a hair artist, Patricia from Orozco’s Glam Studio. She’s been doing my hair for a few years now. She happens to be a friend and more like family by now.

My ΦM sisters came out to support me, LOVE THEM

Conclusion, it takes a village to put together an art exhibit or any event for that matter. There are probably some details I’m forgetting to add, but you get the point of how my show came together. Not to mention a lot of marketing and promotion.


READ: How Fragments series came to life.

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