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First Date: Fifth Year Wedding Anniversary


Those that plan out adventurous trips know that you plan for almost a year in advance, not necessarily to purchase flights or hotel but to research the place you will be exploring. In our case, we decided that on our fifth year anniversary we wanted to travel to Spain and renew our vows on our own.

Outside of our wedding venue

Shortly after we decided this and were so excited and debating how long to go to the motherland, we found out we were expecting our little one. Of course, all Spain research came to a screeching halt, for me. Hubby still kept saying we could do it, I was realistic, no way we could do a major trip like that with a three-month-old baby. Not to mention that I’m the one that plans it all out.

We will make it to Spain just not in the next few years. A trip like that I want our little baby to be up for the challenge because I know with two travel addicts for parents he has it in his DNA to be an explorer.


Our anniversary fell on a Friday and I wasn’t expecting to do anything. Having him take care of the baby and me catching up on my emails or getting some studio time makes me happy these days. We don’t really have someone we could leave our little one with during the week. I kept telling hubby that I was ok with not doing anything, just resting with our little one.

Our first child Mochito

He took it upon himself to find a pet-friendly outdoor place to have lunch, as a family. We haven’t been out, to eat or date or anything that is not baby related so to us this was a huge deal. He checked the weather and knew the day would be pretty and he knows how I like eating outdoors, so he found a place we could take our fur baby too. This was the best celebration plus he planned it on his own.


Never heard of it, I don’t know why this place has GREAT food. If you like good, old fashion burger but in a BIG size, you need to try it. We had no idea how big it was, hubby wanted to try their Muffalata so we both indulged but they were both huge plates, we could have shared. This way we both tried both plates and had dinner for later. Our little guy slept through our lunch and Mochito our fur baby people watched on the chair next to us. Not that I can say (breastfeeding) but hubby swears that the drinks were good.

Just looking at this burger is making me hungry


Early that morning he took me to get my haircut and style. It was beyond time for some me time. So I felt like a new woman just with this little change. I just never seem to make time to plan something for me, when there are so many things that need attention while we’re getting used to a baby.

I have complained of not having enough photographs with my baby. I mean there’s a million photographs of him and I still think there aren’t enough. I always photograph him with his Daddy, my sister and when he gets visitors. But I’m never in the photos. I had a fresh haircut and since we were already out, I was decent for photographs. At home, I try to keep myself makeup free, since the baby kisses, rubs and touches my face.

Finally, I had time and the beautiful day for photographs with my little prince. They turned out really nice. It was not a professional photographer shoot but the husband is getting better at snapping photos so I can be in them.


That Saturday we planned out our day since my sister was coming over to babysit our little one, so we could go to dinner. Facebook was showing me the photographs of our wedding five years ago, people were still wishing us a happy anniversary. I kept thinking how time had flown by and five years were gone, but I had something better than that wedding day, my baby.

Our wedding was at Trevisio, a gorgeous restaurant in the medical center. Things have changed, it is no longer called Treviso, it’s now Third Coast. As soon as we walked out of the elevator, we could see the changes. All good, the place is beautiful but we wanted to reminisce about our wedding in, it was hard when everything was different. The menu is no longer the same, so that delicious meal that people had at our wedding is something of the past. Sorry guys. It is more of a modern elegant feel now, while before it was an elegant classical feel.

Not the same plate from our wedding but equally delicious

Either way, we loved our first date night. We tried several things on their menu, sat by the fire and watched the rain from the glass walls. We found ourselves talking about our little guy so many times and going back to our wedding day. We celebrated here on our first, third and now the fifth year. We’ll see if we make it there for the seventh year.


It was a week of reposting old posts about our wedding events, sharing unseen photographs and looking forward to our date that hubby planned all on his own. Of course, having a great sister that drove an hour to come babysit her only nephew gave us the opportunity for our first date.



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