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Creative Mama At Home: How to Entertain & Keep Your Child Happy Through Learning Experiences


This creative mama has been finding ways to entertain a little child since before he could walk.  This is nothing new to me. No, I am not mom that stays on top of things, it’s that I have an active child that is always looking for the next new thing to explore. So, I try to make those activities and things to do a learning and entertaining experience. You know to keep the little ones happy.


It’s time to move in to our backyard or patios. Whether it’s a baby that doesn’t get out of the house, summer/ winter break, or like we are experiencing pandemic worldwide stay at home orders, your backyard/patio is a safe place to be in. I can NOT believe that I thought I could live in an apartment with my non stop kid. The universe knew better. 


This was something I did on a complete whim. I had some chalk saved up for an activity for him yet never used it. I honestly didn’t think he was ready for it. I was wrong all little kids love chalk. My kid really likes numbers, (like a lot!) so what better way to get him to learn his numbers with a hopscotch!

This also showed me that my kid knew his numbers in order and backward. We practice the numbers in english and spanish. He also tries to test me alot to see if I know my numbers. 


Shapes are a close second to his love of numbers. I started with a small taped off section of the patio with painters tape. I tried to make an interesting design for him but he was too impatient that I ended up winging it. I have to remember I cant always want to make a work of art when it comes to a toddler. 

Soon after I realized that it was too small for a kid that wanted to walk around looking, memorizing and trying to say each shape. So, after I got hubby to wash off the patio we recreated a new one with huge shapes, where I could spell each shape out. Kids are always learning, so the more colorful ones catch their attention. Seeing the words is being observed, then add hearing you spell those words for them and that it is all getting absorbed into their little brains, priceless.

Creative Mama At Home How to Entertain & Keep Your Child Happy
Creative Mama At Home How to Entertain & Keep Your Child Happy
Creative Mama At Home How to Entertain & Keep Your Child Happy


My little guy is my studio mate, we share one room that is my studio and his playroom. It’s the only way for me to get anything done. It’s a rather large room it was once hubby’s man cave or media room. What I have done is minimize my supplies to an armoire, that he can’t get to anything dangerous. The rest of the space is table spaces, desks and a couch. I wrote a post about how I reorganized my studio. Read More


A reading corner is a must for all of us, from our child to the adults. Reading is such an important part of our development. I have always enjoyed reading, I make time for reading, not as much as I’d like, but I still read. I encouraged reading to my little guy from an early age, leave books with their toys so they know they can pick up a book at any time. He has always been more of I’ll read it myself kind of kid than being read to. He just doesn’t really let you read to him unless he wants to be read to. I make sure I have books that are simple with words he’s learning, with photos and hard cardboard pages. Sometimes I get lucky and find some at the dollar store or at Goodwill. Plus your local library has a good selection of books. (During normal life)

In the studio he has a corner set up with plushy pillows, a blanket, lots of stuffed animals and a bunch of books. You will see him just go off to his corner, grab books, play & pretend to read. (not really, I suspect he can read) 

I have another reading corner for him in the living room, with his little couch and a few books. While mommy and daddy watch tv, or cook he sits there and reads. He really is a little bookworm. I used to think that we HAD to read to them and that was the only way they learned. I spoke to a speech therapist who I shared my concern with that he wouldn’t really let us read to him. She told me it was ok, that I should let him have his time with his books, that he was probably reading on his own. Babies have such an impressive way of learning that I don’t think we really understand how much they pick up on or know.


Two years ago he received a little activity table with a table top that can be changed to be a lego table. He isn’t allowed to play with small legos which are the legos that can be use, so he doesn’t use that part. I’ve used it as his reading table, he eats snacks on it, has had playdate lunches on it, and now plays with puzzles and toys on it. He has definitely gotten a lot of use from it. I sit on the floor next to him, while he sits in the perfect size chair for him and we’ll play or draw or whatever he is in the mood for.


I know I’m an artist but I am not the type to force art on my child. He will choose when and if he wants to be creative. In the beginning he was really not interested in art. He would watch me work but not want to participate. The first work he showed interest and I allowed him to was a painting I made for his birthday party. Read More…

I have many floor covering in my studio to avoid any kinds of spills at all times. When he finally became interested I realized the coverings were fine for me, an adult that knows not to make mess. I tried an old sheet, it worked as long as he didn’t run off (which that hardly happens) so there is more risk of stains. When I moved studios, I decided to let him work on my desk to make his art. I saved his baby high chair, he still fits in it he just doesn’t need it anymore. Placed by my desk it was the perfect solution for him to stay put and have a table top to work on and had covering underneath him that I didn’t have to worry about mess. 


When in doubt of or have no idea what to do Pinterest has the answer, trust me. I have an entire board to all things mommyhood. Guess what? So do most other mothers. There are so many creative ways to entertain our children and get them to learn. 

What are your secret ways to get your child to learn while entertaining them?