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Cinco de Mama Weekend


Cinco De Mayo has more meaning to the Hubby and me other than the battle of Puebla. I mean people should know what they’re celebrating and there is a reason why restaurants milk the day with $5 nachos and super cheap margaritas on the 5th of May.


For us, it’s the anniversary of our 1st non-date. I know it sounds complicated but I will explain in the shortest version I can. It was not a date, hubby met me at a celebration at a club, we went somewhere after and he knew he was going to be in the friend zone so he stole his first kiss. So he made this our anniversary and he tells everyone Cinco de Mayo is the big day he fell in love. This was our 10th year together as a couple.

Well, I never counted it as our anniversary but then again I’m not the typical girl who is counting how many months or hinting what she wants as her umpteenth gift. The day he made it our anniversary officially was when he proposed on our 5th year together on none other than Cinco de Mayo at the very place he stole his first kiss. I know, he got his way. He won, how could I not give it to him?

So our Cinco de Mayo Anniversary celebration started Thursday and blended with Mama’s Day Weekend. So it’s been four days straight of excuses to be happy, party and food, lots of food.


I’m not a mama and my own mother passed away a few years ago but I have Mamas in my life to celebrate. My sister is a single mother to my only nephew and I have to say she is doing a great job of being Mama and Papa. Since he was old enough to celebrate Mother’s Day I have been helping him by getting him a gift to give to my sister. She knows it but it was cute when he was little and he has learned to expect it, so it’s become a tradition now. Don’t worry I will cut him off when he gets older that he can do it on his own.

This year his gift was my ultrasound of our baby on the way

So I think this year I finally got it right for everyone and I got the best gift for the mamas. It was something little but from the heart. Let’s just say that my sister cried. So I will say yes, I got it right. My nephew was just happy he had something to hand to his mom.

Then the always hard to please, my mother in law. You know what I mean, mother in laws, especially if you have a Latina MIL. Well I’m telling you I ate my cheerios and I nailed it this year. I think I made her happy.

Enchiladaway 1
Last stop Enchilada Way
And some street tacos, delish!

All this, of course, made me reflect, talk to my memories of my mother. You know they’re gone but not truly gone. I know she’s with me because when I think things can’t or won’t happen for me, they do as if someone is on the other side more than cheering for me. So I hope everyone celebrated the Mamas in their life, whether they raised you, is your sibling or just your best friend. Happy Mama’s Day to all the women out there, who ROCK!


We decided to go with our little blessing to the place where it all happened. He got his first trip to the beach, without touching the beach. Just because it’s Galveston, and that beach is having some hiccups.

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