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Spring Time & Art in the Air

The promise of spring has been happening for a bit, yet I don’t see it, I’m still cold, then hot, then cold again. Yet according to my calendar the first quarter or season of the year is over.

In the spirit of keeping active on my blog, posting the happenings in the studio and my art activity, here is a recap. My last post was more of a pat on the back for myself, since I achieved everything I set out to do in 2015.

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Starting a Positive & Productive Year

It is a brand NEW year in so many ways. I ended 2014 in a perfect position in my life. I finally graduated from college and we sold our house. I started the new year in a tiny apartment, waiting for our next home to be finished. No more school for me this year.

©Leslie M. Guzmán

I was finally able to catch up on sleep, rest and decide what is next for Leslie. I haven’t had this amount of time for just me, it’s more than the word amazing can describe.

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