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Visual Arts Alliance Juried Exhibit: Opening Night & Awards

It has been a very busy year, especially in art. I set out to finish my new series and have a show since last year. Of course that is set for this November 5th. (Mark your calendar) With that being my main focus this year, entering shows has really been almost ignored. I say almost because there were some exhibits that I couldn’t let go by.

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Mid Year Artist Self Check

I began the year very energetic and ready to take on life, well an art life. I was very positive and I knew that so many things were checked off the list. If I sat there and compared to 2015, I had this new year down packed. Here we are in the beginning of July and I’m not so calm and collected anymore. I couldn’t even get some time to finish my self check at the end of June. Where has half the year gone?!

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Spring Time & Art in the Air

The promise of spring has been happening for a bit, yet I don’t see it, I’m still cold, then hot, then cold again. Yet according to my calendar the first quarter or season of the year is over.

In the spirit of keeping active on my blog, posting the happenings in the studio and my art activity, here is a recap. My last post was more of a pat on the back for myself, since I achieved everything I set out to do in 2015.

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