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Art, New Goals & Excitement

2016… I know

I feel like I was just starting 2015 and then in a blink of an eye it became 2016! Maybe because I was doing so much. My life was in chaos from all directions. Moving, unpacking and most important to an artist, organizing my art studio.

The month of January just ran past me barely saying goodbye. I think it went by so fast because great and exciting things were happening in my life. Last year it was all about my personal life and laying the groundwork for this year. 2016 is about me and art.

Finished Website

I had a few talks last year circling the idea of a solo exhibit. They were just that, talks, nothing felt just right. Until this beautiful year came and set everything in motion. I’ve also been busy with several exhibits.

Here I am dropping off artwork for Debt Fair Exhibit at the Art League of Houston

My home is pretty much finished, minus filling walls and small decorations. So now my personal life can be pushed to the side for a few months as I plan to spend most of my days in my studio.

Still along the line of great art things. I started my job as Exhibit Manager in a new Theater which will also has an art gallery. I’m learning all the wonderful things that happen behind the scenes of art exhibits. Is it work when you thrive on it? I love learning all the small & big things that come with an exhibition. It’s also preparing me for future dreams.

First Art Exhibit at my new job

I did all the things I set out to do last year, I had a list. I started on my social media, I participated in several group exhibits locally, some in Texas and some out of state. With all that was going on in my life last year, I still managed to work in my studio and create, which is the most important. Now I hope I can keep the pace and complete the things on my long list for the new year. The biggest one is my first solo artist exhibit. Stay tuned to see if it will happen.


I wonder how many people started their year as excited and full of hope for the new year? I know I’m not the only one…

Let’s Be Friends



Solo Exhibition IS happening later this year, read all about it HERE.

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